Friday, 27 February 2009

Is it up to date?

Some, more than others, are anxious to be up to date. Some may avidly read their daily over breakfast each morning, thinking that somehow doing so keeps them abreast with all that is important in life. Others believing newspapers a medium from a bygone age switch on their TV. A growing number go instead for their daily massage to a desktop, perhaps place a laptop on the breakfast table. There are probably even those who do both. In the cyber-global-village they can ride their mouse to information old and new, google their way through a gamut of knowledge and disinformation, seemingly never ending. But can they be sure they are seeing the most up to date version of their chosen nugget. If they have visited a page before then they cannot.

As both Internet Explorer and Safari save, as "temporary Internet files", copies of previously viewed Internet pages to speed access and decrease Internet traffic, it may sometimes be that what you see on your screen is not the latest version of a given page, but just one surreptitiously stored on your hard drive by your browser when you saw it earlier. If you suspect that what you see is out of date try the following.

First you could simply try refreshing the page, but if this does not work:

In Internet Explorer either click on Tools on the menu bar or Tools in the options given alongside the tabs. Then, from the drop down menu, select Delete Browsing History. A box will appear, there, in Temporary Internet Files click Delete files. Close the box. Once this is complete refresh the screen.
In Safari select Empty Cache from the Edit drop down menu. Click on empty when it asks if you are sure. Again, once done, refresh the screen.

Of course if the page is out of date then there is nothing you can do except to point out its obsolescence by sending its maker a message. Something along the lines of that of Arthur Mow.


  1. Arthur understands the problem - he is from that generation that likes to point out any problem, endlessly.

    By the way, very bad news about the cactus.

  2. Hey, but aren't Basset Hounds great!
